The first implementation is not the main topic of this post. It is also important what happens with the product after the first implementation. Often nothing happens. But it’s impossible to write about development without a few words about first entering the market. Viable vs Lovable vs Marketable A minimalist approach to product implementation is… Czytaj dalej Rusty products in IT
Kategoria: Product
I am writing about the product. I write subjectively, honestly and based on my experiences.
We all do UX… are we?
Almost from the beginning of writing articles on this blog, I try to prove that we are all responsible for the User Experience of our products. No matter what position we work in. He stands by the sentence, however, there is one distortion I would like to write about. Responsibility is not the same as… Czytaj dalej We all do UX… are we?
4 years without MVP
This post will be a bit different from the others. There will be a lot about UX and product manufacturing, but that’s not the point of this post. More settlement and sharing of experiences of how I have fucked up spectacularly several times. But to the shore. The record below is more emotional than chronological.… Czytaj dalej 4 years without MVP
Lego blocks scattered in the sauna
PSD2 is launched on days. Such an EU regulation that will require many changes in the banking and fintech sectors. The main change that customers will notice will be double authentication (2FA). These changes reminded me of one important thing that not everyone in IT is aware of. Nobody wants to log into your site… Czytaj dalej Lego blocks scattered in the sauna
Primary Button is an asshole.
We are abusing Primary Buttons. We, the IT industry. It doesn’t matter if you are a programmer, PO, PM or designer. Think three times before using the main button. By styling the linking on the screen, we can help or hinder the user. First things first. Button for Button When designing / implementing the screen,… Czytaj dalej Primary Button is an asshole.
UX myths # 2 I know the users
For the second time, I disassemble the UX myth into its first parts. The first was the click limit, and I hope you realize that there is no such thing as „The fewer clicks the better.” I was wondering for a long time what to take on the wallpaper second. The last weeks of cooperation… Czytaj dalej UX myths # 2 I know the users
How to conduct usability tests?
As soon as possible. The following entry is for people who avoid testing for various reasons. The tests can be carried out independently and do not require large resources and skills. I encourage developers and analysts (product owners) to test their solutions. However, there are a few rules to keep in mind: I am not… Czytaj dalej How to conduct usability tests?
The user is dead, long live the customer
The following post inspired by an interview with Wojtek Kutyła 🙂 We all remember about the user. At least we try. His experience affects how he perceives our product or recommends us to his friends. We try to eliminate his problems and make it easier for him to use our products. But sometimes we miss… Czytaj dalej The user is dead, long live the customer
Product Leader – WTF?
Product Manager, Product Owner, Head of Product – positions rather known to people working in medium and large organizations. Competences more or less intertwine, everyone plays for one goal, somehow it was possible to live with it … Meanwhile, he appears on the horizon, all in white, Product Leader An enigmatic title appears on the… Czytaj dalej Product Leader – WTF?
Dear Business. Where are you going?
We cannot add more functionalities without looking at the whole thing. More features, new functionalities. Our product meets all business assumptions. Applause, handshakes, flowers from a dwarf dressed in traditional colthes… But something didn’t pop … We are expanding a speeding train. Applause for us. But sometimes new functionalities just distort our product. Moving on… Czytaj dalej Dear Business. Where are you going?