To paraphrase Epictetus: The chief task in product development is to identify and separate matters so that I can clearly say which are externals not under my control, and which have to do with the choices I actually control. Where then do I look for focus? Not to uncontrollable externals, but within myself to the… Czytaj dalej Product Development Philosophy: Stoicism
Autor: MarcinWozny
Product vs. 100 duck-sized horses
One of my favorite questions in online AMAs is: Would you rather fight one duck the size of a horse, or a hundred horses the size of a duck? As cursory as the question may be, I also ask it in my job interviews – as a follow-up question. What kind of answer do I… Czytaj dalej Product vs. 100 duck-sized horses
TED talks raw notes
I am publishing my raw notes from Ted Talks. I have shared them with friends and even in this raw, unprocessed form, they provide value. I will update the entry from time to time 🙂 The single biggest reason why start-ups succeed Watch Timing first, then Team, Idea, Business Model, Funding “Everybody has a plan,… Czytaj dalej TED talks raw notes
RICEH prioritetization model
One product many ideas – we know it? Fortunately, there are many prioritization models. You can read about the five basic ones in the nngroup article. One of them is the RICE model, which scares many people off because of its math and fractions. Completely unnecessary. Classic RICE Model There are a lot of articles… Czytaj dalej RICEH prioritetization model
Decision matrix template
Summary: The template you will find in Figma. The decision-making register can be a simple table. You will definitely need to make some changes over time. Go ahead. Act, experiment. Do whatever you can to improve product development. Decisions in the product lifecycle Sooner or later, developing the product will put us at a crossroads.… Czytaj dalej Decision matrix template
Timebox your designers work. Always
This quite controversial title is not clickbait. I know and understand what the design process is. I am aware that the less time the designer has there, the better solution he will provide. Nevertheless, I tend to impose a time frame on the design team. The product must move forward Each design can be sanded… Czytaj dalej Timebox your designers work. Always
Don’t be a product monk
In the 16th century, an anecdote about the monks’ discussion of the number of teeth in a horse was popular. The discussion was supposed to take place two centuries earlier. And so a group of monks argued about how many teeth the horse had. The discussion lasted several days and three factions were separated. From… Czytaj dalej Don’t be a product monk
Product philosophy – decision theory
The product strategy should be developed on the basis of many factors, but sometimes requires a flexible approach. At some stage of granulation, you have to make smaller or larger decisions. According to Aristotle, in order to make a correct decision one should pay attention to three aspects. 23 centuries later, it is still relevant… Czytaj dalej Product philosophy – decision theory
Automotive Product Experience – Seat Leon 2021
I’ve been a fan of the Seat brand for a very long time. I recently switched from a 2018 Seat Leon to a 2021, and it’s been a long time since I’ve been so disappointed. To be clear – the car is great, the smell of newness and all. I have the car less than… Czytaj dalej Automotive Product Experience – Seat Leon 2021
Prioritize your product. One priority
In this post, I touch on the problem of blurring a product by giving too many priorities at once. The lack of a strategy and a consistently implemented plan ends up with an excessive fragmentation of the product. It is also important how we approach the measures. First things first. What is priority The word… Czytaj dalej Prioritize your product. One priority