The user is dead, long live the customer

The following post inspired by an interview with Wojtek Kutyła 🙂

We all remember about the user. At least we try. His experience affects how he perceives our product or recommends us to his friends. We try to eliminate his problems and make it easier for him to use our products. But sometimes we miss the most important …

The user uses our products. But most importantly – this is our client. A person who wants to leave some of their money with us. We are all aware of this and this is only a name, but it changes the importance of the problem. We can ignore the user’s problems (sic!) But it’s hard to pass by when we see

Customer problems

As at the website level, we can still talk about a potential customer, inside our system we already have people determined to conclude a contract with us – a transaction. Similar to the behavior in the store: at the beginning, we let customers look around and make their own decisions. We can make a subtle suggestion. But when the client is determined to conclude a transaction, we must remember to eliminate his irritation at every step. We have to make the “purchasing process as easy as possible for him.

Irritated customer

We do not have a monopoly on a given service. The irritated client is unlikely to come back to us. As a result – we lose money, profit. There is also a risk that he will tell his friends about his irritation, which means that we also lose a potential profit. Of course. One customer does not make spring, but ignoring the customer’s problems in the long term will surely translate into our financial results.

Our client – our Lord (?)

Whether we like it or not – we should remember that customers are the foundation of our company. Let us not go to the extreme. Here it should be remembered that a single client cannot impose most solutions. Logical and rational analysis of comments. Systematic introduction of changes – to make life better for everyone. And remember that the user is the customer. With all the ramifications of this.

I am not a supporter of the term „Client Experience” – I wrote about it once